Tuesday 11 May 2010

Semiotics task

This next picture shows another car advert this time for the new Peugeot 206 escapade.

Something that is immediately noticeable in this piece Is that the there are two different methods of transport riding two different types of terrain.

The car appears to be upside down riding the smooth surface of the road. This symbolises that it can still do the job of a normal 206 but can also handle itself just as easily on the tougher terrain that the bike is riding across. This is also strengthened by the direct link that car and the bike have to each other.

Another symbol that denotes this idea of the hybrid further is the logo that can be seen in the top left hand corner and the bottom right hand corner. This suggests that the image can be flipped and still have the same effect as it does in its original position.

The opposites of the hills and the built up suburban area also further donate the cars capabilities to handle both situations well. The stormy sky signifies the turbulence and difficulty of the ground ahead and connotes a fearless attitude of the car as it battles the harsh terrain. This colour red of also symbolises this and denotes danger, whilst the connotations of this colour link back to its fearless attitude.

This is an advert for Mercedes - Benz advertising a top of the range, convertible sports car. The main focal point of the piece is the car it self and this is where most of the aesthetics are being displayed.
The cars long bonnet and sleek, air resistant design signifies that it is a powerful and fast car, this in itself donates speed and agility. The car also has other aesthetic qualities such as being painted in a shiny metallic reddish pink. All these factors connote that it is a car that is at the top end of the market and is being aimed towards the rich who can afford to buy one.
The cars roof is also down in the shot and this connotes and relaxed and care free life style that is often lived by the rich and single.
From the slogan we can see that this advert is aimed at men. The slogan signifies that men like talking about women, sports and cars. The slogan then cleverly re arranges the key three words (in this case women, sports and cars) to then denote that if men by this car then they will achieve in also obtaining the women. The cars colour and general design also signifies a certain degree of femininity as it is smooth and curvaceous. The colour is a reddish pink signifying that it is fairly feminine and these two factors together connote a sense of sexual prowess that further attracts men to the car.
This scene also signifies a lot of mystery and awe and this is signified by the fact that we cannot see the driver through the tinted windows and there is darkness that surrounds the car as the sun begins to set. the sun setting connotes a certain sense of playfulness when no one else is around to see.
The mountains in the background are particularly important because they symbolise the highest points on the earth and this links in very well with the car being at the top end of the rich spectrum. The connotations of the mountains suggest a rich and classy lifestyle, perhaps this scene is set some where in the alps, depicting yet another aspect of a wealthy lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. Hello; This analysis was interesting and useful for me and for its interested, may I ask u some questions about this issues? TNX
